Form 9

flashcards unit9
Adjectives to Talk about Personality

Inside the White House

review tenses


Cards Short film

New Year's Resolutions

Change the world in five minutes

Print worksheet

Article with proper names


05.03Leisure in Britain

Watch the video and find the answers to the following questions

1.      What do British people do in their free time? Mark the activities

a)      do sport

e) watch sport

b)      watch TV

f) have hobbies

c)      play online games

g) go shopping

d)     visit interesting places

h) visiting friends



What do British children usually do in their free time? Write the number of the corresponding speaker (1-8)

Ø  go swimming

Ø  watch TV

Ø  play football

Ø  listen to music

Ø  go rollerblading

Ø  play tennis

Ø  go sailing


Ø go on the Internet

Ø play rugby

Ø go skateboarding

Ø visit dance group

Ø play cricket

Ø visit drama group

2.      Name 10 top leisure activities in Britain

1.      ___________________________________________________

2.      ___________________________________________________

3.      ___________________________________________________

4.      ___________________________________________________

5.      ___________________________________________________

6.      ___________________________________________________

7.      ___________________________________________________

8.      ___________________________________________________

9.      ___________________________________________________

10.  ___________________________________________________

1. Answer the questions.

1. What is the most popular activity for British people outside their home?

2. What have many pubs and clubs nowadays?

3. What is the third and the fouth popular activities nowadays in Britain?

4. When has the number of people going to cinema increased?

5. What is the traditional British kind of sport?

6. Where you can find the Ashmolean Museum How many people visit this place every year?

7. What are the other popular activities of British people you know?


2. Mark the statements true, false or not stated.

1. British people don`t have any hobbies.

2. Boys prefer sport in their free time.

3. Over the last ten or twenty years pubs in Britain don`t change.

4. Visiting of library is more popular than visiting of cinema.

5. Favourite kinds of sports include football, ice hockey and criket.

6. People have to pay for visiting of Ahmolean museum.

7. Oblivion is famous park of attractions.

8. The size of exhibits in Legoland is really big.


3. Make sentences in right order.

a. Almost all pubs serve meals nowadays and many pubs have live music, karaoke competitions and quiz nights.

b. They have a wonderful collection here including these beautiful sculptures.

c. Have you tried any of these?

d. The Ashmolean is the oldest museum in Britain and has been part of the University of Oxford since 1683.

e. I play rugby in my free time for Oxford Rugby Club.

f. In my free time I go to a drama group and a dance group.

g. The London Eye opened in March 2000 and is one of London's most popular attractions.
h. Like many museums in Britain, admission is free.


11.01 Warming up: Make a sentence with a given word. 

What is Bali famous for? Would you like to visit this island? Why? 

Watch the video and speak about 

Belarusian climate